Co2 Decaf
CO2 Decaf, also known as the Sparkling Water Decaf process, is a modern, chemical-free method of decaffeinating coffee. In this process, green coffee beans are soaked in water and then placed in a high-pressure vessel. Liquid CO2 is then pumped into the vessel at pressures of up to 1,000 pounds per square inch. Under these conditions, the CO2 acts as a solvent, selectively binding with the caffeine molecules and drawing them out of the beans. The caffeine-laden CO2 is then transferred to another chamber where the pressure is released, causing the CO2 to revert to a gas and leaving behind the extracted caffeine. This process is repeated until the beans are 99.9% caffeine-free. CO2 decaffeination is known for its ability to preserve the coffee's original flavor compounds while effectively removing caffeine. It results in a decaf coffee that closely resembles its caffeinated counterpart in taste and aroma, making it popular among specialty coffee roasters.
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